Monday, January 6, 2014

How To Find The Perfect Elegant Diamond Rings

By Teri Farley

Without a doubt, diamonds can never not be beautiful. In fact, even cheap ones have the ability to look incredibly gorgeous. If you want to end up with the perfect elegant diamond rings, though, then there are several things that you will need to consider, such as the actual gemstone and its setting. After all, your choice of gemstone and setting will eventually determine whether the end product was actually worth the money spent on it. Remember: you might not have a second chance when it comes to buying an engagement ring, so you might as well make the most of it now.

One choice that you will have in terms of settings would be a three-stone setting. In this case, there will be two small diamonds next to a diamond in the middle of the final jewelry piece. You will have your choice of settings and metals when it comes to this, too.

Other women would rather choose classic solitaire settings, though, with 4 prongs, 6 prongs, bezel settings or cathedral settings. Generally speaking, there are many solitaire settings out there. The more prongs there are, though, the safer the sets will be. You don't want to lose your gemstone because of a broken prong, do you? As such, you definitely need to think about this when choosing a setting.

When picking out diamonds, you should also make it a point to find out whether the stones are actually certified. Evaluated stones are basically the ones that were evaluated by professionals in the field and were given quality ratings for their cuts, clarity, carats and colors. By choosing certified stones, you can ensure that you end up with the best quality possible. Once you find gemstones to your liking, you can then think about the other things that you need to take into consideration.

Another thing to take into consideration when buying engagement rings would be the world's trends. A lot of women buy rings that are popular right now, just to realize a decade later that they aren't stylish anymore. You need to keep in mind that wedding rings are worn forever most of the time, so you might want to choose a classic style instead.

Practicality would be another important factor to consider. If you plan on wearing it at all times, including the times when you are doing chores or other jobs, then you have to check out the ring's strength and sturdiness and find out how much it will actually be able to take in that department.

The last thing you need to decide on would be the band's metal. Yellow gold happens to look very nice, though white gold looks nice, too. In terms of popularity, though, platinum definitely wins. If you can't make up your mind, then you might want to look at two-tone metals and see if they fit your personal criteria better.

However, you should also consider the fact that two-tone gold is usually easier to match with various other jewelry you might have. Another thing you will need to decide is whether you should buy a branded diamond ring or not. It is usually quite easy to find elegant diamond rings for cheap if you forgo the brand, but it is also nice to flaunt brand names. Again, the choice is up to you.

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Shopping For Elegant Diamond Rings

By Maryanne Goff

Elegant diamond rings are favored among millions of customers for a broad range of reasons. Diamonds have been popular in various societies for thousands of years because of their brilliance, durability, and beauty. This trend will likely continue for many years to come. Those searching for such rings should consider the information below prior to making a final purchase:

It is essential to know the characteristics for which to look when choosing such a ring. Regardless of whether a person is simply splurging on himself or herself, or purchasing the ring as an engagement gift, getting the most for one's money is a top concern. Initially, shoppers should consider their budgets. This is due to the fact that, not surprisingly, diamonds are expensive gems, and for this reason shoppers should predetermine the amount of money that they can comfortably spend on the piece.

When an appropriate price range has been set, the consumer must then select the style piece he or she prefers. Numerous cuts can be found on today's market, such as the emerald cut, cushion cut, or princess cut. Although the latter three are favored by many individuals, there is essentially an unlimited number of cuts from which one can choose when purchasing such a ring.

The main reason a well cut gem appears large and brilliant is because the surface of the diamond reflects light. If the cut is too shallow, light can escape from the bottom of the stone. In a similar way, if the cut is too deep, light can escape from the sides of the gem. The reason a quality cut is imperative is because it will allow light to escape from the surface of the stone, which gives it its brilliance when viewed by the wearer or by others.

One must also consider the gem's quality. When purchasing diamonds, one can choose from a broad range of grades, and his or her goal should be to obtain the best quality gem he or she can afford. Poor quality stones have a lackluster appearance up close, although this may not be noticed from a distance.

Consumers should also consider the type of setting they prefer. Diamonds are typically always set in yellow gold; however, one has an option of white gold, which has a silver appearance, or rose gold. Platinum is also an option as a setting for these remarkable stones.

Consumers seeking unusual rings should consider a colored diamond. Along with traditional colorless stones, one can select from blue, yellow, or pink diamonds. This decision is usually a matter of personal preference. It is essential for customers to understand, however, that colored gems are usually more expensive than their color-free counterparts.

No matter why one is searching for elegant diamond rings, it is essential to do business only with a reliable source. Whether one is shopping at a traditional bricks and mortar store or online, it is important to comparison shop before a final decision is made. Is also essential to request a guarantee regarding the history and quality of the stone. Even though it may take some effort to find the perfect ring, most customers discover that it is worth their time in the end.

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Choosing Diamond Engagement Rings NYC

By Cornelia Reyes

Because diamonds are beautiful stones, and girls like pretty things, that could be the reason for persons thinking that girls are best friends with diamonds. It is popularly thought that both young and older ladies aspire to be wives even once during their lifetime. To accomplish this, those persons need, first of all, to find diamond engagement rings NYC.

It is rumoured that New York City is famous for its style and fashion, and also that this location is where diamonds tend to shine brightest of all. A visit to the locale, therefore, would be all that is needed to find the ring of choice, so that a suitable selection can be made. This could be due to the numerous stores available to shoppers, each boasting a wide variety of offerings to tempt the ring palate.

There are two main choices that would need to be made, namely, the choice of a diamond, and that of an engagement ring. The choice relating to the diamonds mainly concerns their cut, or shape, as there are a few distinct ones. These cuts include round, princess, emerald, asscher, and pear cuts, each of which has a distinctive look.

Where the engagement rings are concerned, there are a few types, or settings, from which a choice can be made. These include the solitaire, pave, halo, and vintage styles, and each one has its own brand of uniqueness. Needless to say, it most likely is the combination of cut and style that set the rings from this location, apart from all the others.

Since the ring is mainly about the diamond it carries, much attention is given to it at the point of selection, and this is all about shape. It is felt that the round shape is selected the most, perhaps because of its timeless beauty, which makes it universally appealing. This could be due to its ability to hide colour, coupled with the larger carat weight that can be achieved at a lower cost to consumers.

The shape that is second in popularity is the princess cut, which is as brilliant as the round but is more square in appearance. Diamonds sporting the emerald and asscher cuts have less brilliance but more clarity and vintage appeal, respectively, for which they are held in awe. Pear diamonds combine the round and marquise shapes, which also filter light very well.

Rings with the solitaire setting, are popular, and normally feature a single elegant, timeless, and simple diamond. Pave rings are those with tiny diamonds on the band, which either partially or totally cover these bands. Halo ring settings feature one centre gemstone with small pave diamonds surrounding it, while vintage settings are a combination of beautiful, intricate craftsmanship with modern, brilliant cuts.

With all that the location has to offer, selecting diamond engagement rings NYC could be a unique experience. This might be because of the wide variation of cuts and settings available. The final products may therefore feature brilliance, or clarity, with a vintage appearance.

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